Facts and Figures (Global)
Appeal Request
USD 3 billion
Countries with IOM Crisis-Related Responses
IOM Operational reach in emergencies
37 million people

Strengthen policies, strategies, and development plans by integrating human mobility, environment, and climate change in relevant policy and development frameworks at national and local levels.

Crises in Malawi have often occurred in relation to impacts of climate change. IOM’s comprehensive, inclusive and people-centered responses, guided by the institutional Migration Crisis Operational Framework (MCOF), are grounded in sound analysis and built on strong partnerships, focused on saving lives and protecting those on the move, while investing in reducing needs, vulnerabilities and risks and building resilient and peaceful societies.

The affected populations have longer-term needs which must be addressed to enable their recovery from the impacts of crises and to strengthen their resilience to potential future risks of crisis and displacement. As people of different genders, age, cultural and socio-economic status, and other vulnerabilities face different risks and are affected differently by crises, IOM ensures that these specificities are taken into account. IOM's people-centered approach ensures that needs are met, rights are protected, and resilience is built, with accountability to affected populations an institutional commitment. IOM further collaborates with Governments, civil society, academia and a growing number of private sector actors to understand and together address the mobility dimensions of crisis.